Monday, August 18, 2014

The Necessity of Choosing the Right Security Provider

The Necessity of Choosing the Right Security Provider Whether you need protection for your home and family, or if you're an event organizer who needs to keep a large audience from misbehaving or a company looking to protect its property, assets and employees, it is necessary to do some due diligence and spend some time in choosing the right security provider. 

What do you need to look for in a security provider? 

What makes them the RIGHT one? 

1) Do they train their personnel according to your requirements?

They have to understand your requirements to be able to give you the kind of protection you need. A security personnel guarding your home, for example, is trained differently from a security personnel guarding a bank. A good security provider will tailor the training of their people in accordance with your requirements - before they deploy them. 

2) Do they have a good reputation?

When you browse the Internet for a security provider,  you will find a lot of impressive websites which doesn't tell you much except that the company has a great marketing strategy. But it doesn't give you any insight on its dependability. The best way to gauge the reputation of a security provider is by word-of-mouth or through references. Which company currently employs their services? You can get true feedback from past and current customers.

3) Do they have the experience and expertise you need?

Being a good security provider means being an expert in their field - in this case, Safety and Security. Some security providers just plug your company with bodies and bill you for it, without understanding if they are the kind of people you need. Before choosing a security provider, check if they've had experience in providing security for your type of business. Are they specializing in bank security, corporate security, event security or VIP protection? It's not a one size fits all and the provider you choose should be experienced enough to meet your specific needs.

4) Is their price competitive?

Security providers in the Philippines are required to follow the rates mandated by the government and their governing agencies. So, if you check their bids, they will most likely be the same amount, give or take a few peso. How do you determine which provider is the most cost effective? Read the fine print. What value added services are they willing to give in addition to their basic services? This is very important when comparing bids from competing agencies. 

If you notice, price is just the 4th on the list. You cannot base your choice on price alone. The provider you choose will play a crucial role and you want them to meet the first 3 requirements first and then you can start negotiating on the cost of service.

5) Are they properly licensed and insured?

This is the last consideration since security agencies and security personnel won't be able to operate and get employed without the proper permits and certifications. Still, it should be part of your criteria when choosing the right security provider. It is prudent to have them provide complete documents and check their legitimacy before signing any contract.